Peninsula Education Foundation’s Main Event 2022: PV Community Supports Students

Peninsula Education Foundation (PEF), which has supported PVPUSD students for over 40 years, held its annual fundraiser at Terranea Resort on April 22. The Main Event raised funds toward PEF’s annual pledge to all 17 public schools to support vital programs and teaching positions throughout the district.

Parents, alumni families, business partners and real estate professionals gathered at the fundraiser to contribute a record-high amount. The Main Event included a silent auction, a performance from Super Diamond and an auctioned off Lexus vehicle. PEF hosted a wine gathering in February to collect donated wines and spirits to be part of the pre-event online auction and the silent auction at the event.

PEF invites every PV resident, school family, graduated or otherwise to join in keeping education strengthened by making a gift to the foundation. For more information regarding events and donations, please visit

