In August, students reentered the world of face-to-face interaction at school after a year of remote learning. The excitement was in the air as PV families moved forward into a great new year of learning and adjusting to new protocols. Now more than ever, we are in this together!

Locker Girls!

Welcome back Dolphins!

MG and Lizzie – front door fun!

Mia and Tyler Senteno

The Townley’s are all smiles.

Grace and Ross Borden heading to PV High

Leighton and Pierce O’Leary

Roos-Ventura boys 2nd and 4th Grade

Zoe Raley shows her Peninsula High spirit

Alex is PVIS ready!

Leia Bilgic’s light up locker coolness!

Emery Friedman at Montemalaga

The Schrader Girls on their first day!