JENNIFER STODDART has been teaching for 19 years, it is her 14th year at Montemalaga Elementary. During that time she has taught kindergarten, first, third and most recently fourth grade (last 5 years). However, to address the unique needs of the time, this year she is teaching third grade in the Distance Learning Academy offered by the district.
FAMILY: Bryce and I have two beautiful daughters, Sophia (14) and Emery (10) both of whom are very active and enjoy time in the water and dance. I am very fortunate to also have my mom and stepfather, Jim and Jeanne Maechling nearby. We cherish the time we can all spend together. I also have my father, stepmother, and sister in Michigan. As well as my brother’s family in Chicago, Illinois; whom we look forward to seeing during summer months when we all meet in beautiful northern Michigan.

“I met Jennifer in 2001 in “Mr.Mac’s” classroom, she had just moved from Michigan to California and if I hadn’t stopped by that day to interview for a position at Pen, I would have never met Jennifer, or had two incredible daughters!”
-Bryce Stoddart PV High teacher
“Having the opportunity to spend significant time with my mom and “Mr. Mac” lead to my decision to make a career change and nurture my love of teaching and working with young people. Anyone who has had the pleasure of spending time with Mr. Mac will understand how his passion for teaching and learning is contagious.”

BACKGROUND: I moved to the area in October 2001 from my hometown of Ann Arbor, Michigan. At the time, I was working at the headquarters for Borders Group, Inc. and was expecting to transfer to California to be near family. The unthinkable tragedy of September 11 changed my plans however, when our company suspended all job transfers. Nevertheless, I made the decision to move to Redondo Beach where my mom, Jeanne and stepfather, Jim,a PVPUSD high school teacher, lived. This wasn’t an easy decision since leaving Ann Arbor meant leaving my dad and stepmom, as well as friends and colleagues.
ABOUT EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR: Educator of the Year is an annual recognition given to educators in our area that honors their commitment to supporting the tradition of providing exceptional experiences that our young people can build upon in their adult lives. The Rotary Club makes possible an amazing evening celebrating one of Palos Verdes principle beliefs, that investing our resources in our youth only makes us better. I was honored to receive this recognition because it came from my peers. I was nominated by my colleagues which to me is the ultimate validation. I work among the brightest and most dedicated educators in an incredibly supportive and beautiful community.