Meet the Trotters

Dr. John H. Trotter, in addition to running his orthodontics practice in Redondo Beach, resides in Valmonte with his wife Irene and his two children Zack and Ben. We talked to Dr. Trotter to get to know the Trotter family.
What are five words that describe your family when you are all together?
When together, we’re a lot.

What does your family like to do on the weekends?
On the weekends we enjoy being outside—surfing, biking, tennis, pickleball, working out and enjoying time with friends.
What are a few things your neighbors might not know about your family?
Our older son Zack just graduated from Loyola Marymount law school, he is currently studying to take the bar. Ben just finished his first year at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, where he is double majoring in biology and Spanish. Along with helping out at Trotter Orthodontics, Irene is also a part-time dental hygienist in an office in Malaga Cove Plaza.
What inspires you?
We are inspired by the varied groups of friends we have enjoyed over the years.
What is your favorite spot in Palos Verdes?
Does the Red Onion count as a favorite spot in Palos Verdes? Ha-ha!
What is a fun fact about your family?
The four of us have an ongoing Euchre competition. Yes, Ben and Irene continue to dominate the “competition.”