The General Store
Kelly’s Korner
Written and Photographed by Erik Jay
In 1938, Rolling Hills took a big leap forward by opening the Rolling Hills Market, next known as the “General Store” where such staples as a post office, clothing store, feed store, sandwich shop and more have existed over the years.
The area was sparsely lined with new homes and the “Farm-to-Market” road project was an installed street that went from Anaheim Street and Gaffey Street through Malaga Cove. Rolling Hills Market found itself perfectly nestled between the two stops. People would pull up to the modest white structure and park their horses and cars for fresh local produce. A.E Hanson, Landscape Architect and president of The Palos Verdes Corporation, recalled the bust of the depression of ’29 slowing down the economic expansions that was originally intended for the area, creating a more modest “country lifestyle” rather than the affluent community decorated with spacious estates that had been originally planned. As a result, the small local market was a perfect fit, keeping the isolated community away from the bang and boom environment in local towns.
There are some things better left untouched and our General Store is one of them. It has served generations who have identified it as part of their upbringing, giving memories to so many who have grown up here.
This simplistic representation of a lost time has remained a treasure in the community. The latest generation celebrates Kelly’s Korner, a larger-than-life sandwich shop in the smallest part of the structure.
Kelly’s Korner is a family-run establishment (still owned by Brian Kelly who took it over from his father) and a legendary stop for a sandwich that takes your taste buds back in time. Remember when food was real and a few bites meant something? It still does here and the big question one is left with is, “Now what do I do with the other three-quarters of this monster sandwich?”
We are no stranger to local legends in this community. We love our history and we love watching members of our community make history. The General Store is not just an old structure, but an ingredient that runs parallel with giants like Olmsted, Vanderlip and Hanson.
The old wood boards and red-roof structure has seen over 80 years of service to our community. The character and life it brings is as fresh as a Kelly’s Korner sandwich, so if you are looking to step back in time, this little area will give you that feeling.