For more information about this or other PVE Foundation projects and events, go to: PVEFoundation.org or to order a copy of the beautiful hardcover book, Palos Verdes, The Great Peninsula go to: pvpublications.com

PVE Foundation
New Project Documents History with Help from Longtime Residents
The PVE Foundation kicked off this new exciting project in February with longtime PV residents John and Judi Bates. During the time they lived in PVE, John had been instrumental in helping save the Palos Verdes Beach Club, once known as the Roessler Pool. His fundraising, project management and visionary leadership were key factors of the success of this project. His contributions along with others at that time have made it possible to have this historical landmark continue to be a beautiful and useful gathering place for our community.
The PVE Foundation is pleased to capture this and other stories for generations to come. This is an important factor in “honoring our history” and allowing future generations to know the struggle and victories that past generations have encountered to keep our City unique and beautiful.
This story and others will be available through audio and video through the PVE Foundation website in the future. John Bate’s story will be featured at the PVE Foundation Inaugural Gala on March 5th and available to the public soon.
The Foundation is proud to be able to honor our residents who have contributed to the rich history of our city through this special project.
The PVE Foundation has been on the fast track for making a difference for Palos Verdes Estates and its residents. Formed a little over two years ago, the Foundation has a number of projects and events already on its list of accomplishments. Most notably is the recent restoration of the Farnham Martin Fountain, at the Malaga Cove Library.
The working statement of the Foundation is “honoring our history, securing our future.” To carry forward this mission, a new project has been launched to document the stories and contributions of longtime residents of Palos Verdes Estates.