Can You Feel The Love Tonight Virtual Spring Gala– April 10, 2021

The Palos Verdes Junior Women’s Club held its annual spring fundraiser “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” on Saturday, April 10, 2021. Postponed from last year due to the pandemic, this year’s gala proceeded virtually to great success!
Kenny Metcalf, renowned Elton John tribute performer, rocked the event with three sets of live entertainment. Over 150 donors and supporters participated and helped raise funds for several worthy philanthropies.
The Palos Verdes Junior Women’s Club is an all-volunteer organizations that raises funds to support local philanthropies which address the needs of women and children in crisis in the South Bay. Funds raised this year will be disbursed in June to various charities, including: Boys and Girls Club; Community’s Child; Family Promise; Harbor Interfaith; Providence Trinity Care; and SHAWL – Support for Harbor Area Women’s Lives. In addition, the funds raised will support two $5000 scholarships to deserving local high school students.
The Palos Verdes Junior Women’s Club is grateful to the generous support of its donors, especially in these uncertain times, and hopes to resume “live” events next year, if conditions permit.

About the Organization
The Palos Verdes Junior Women’sClub raises funds to support local philanthropies that help meet often overlooked and under-served critical needs in the South Bay community with crisis intervention, prevention, and support. They also award scholarships to worthy, local graduating high school seniors entering their first year of college or university. Philanthropies are selected after a thorough investigation of their financial need and community impact. Focus is placed on groups that address the needs of women and children in crisis. Philanthropies are selected each year by vote of the General Membership at the November General Meeting.