National Charity League
2021 Senior Recognitions
Two Chapters, One Tradition

Peninsula Chapter
The Peninsula Chapter of National Charity League honors the Class of 2021 at Annual Medallion Reception, “The Best is Yet to Come” The Peninsula Chapter of the National Charity League, Inc. celebrated its graduating high school seniors on July 17 at its Medallion Senior Recognition Reception. The reception took place at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills. Each senior Ticktocker was presented in a white dress ceremony that included a tribute to the girls and their six years of outstanding service and leadership. This annual reception is typically held in the spring, but was postponed due to the pandemic. 2021 NCL Peninsula President Colleen Post noted the elegant centerpieces and bouquets adorned with succulents, a symbol of enduring and timeless love, stating, “the succulents are also tenacious and often flourish in very difficult circumstances reminding us that we are stronger than we realize.” Together, the 26 young women of the Class of 2021 Ticktockers volunteered 16,709 hours over the course of six years. The National Charity League, Inc., offers mothers and daughters opportunities to strengthen their special bond while focusing on serving the community and developing future women leaders. The Peninsula Chapter owns and operates its own Thrift Shop, raising revenue year-round to support college scholarships for local students and numerous philanthropies in the South Bay.

Palos Verdes Chapter
National Charity League, Inc., Palos Verdes Chapter honored the Ticktocker Class of 2021 at its annual Senior Recognition at Terranea Resort. Each year this event recognizes the cumulative efforts and accomplishments of graduating Ticktockers as Chapter and community leaders.This year’s event was even more meaningful after enduring the pandemic, finding extraordinary ways to safely serve the community and then finally being able to come together and celebrate. These young women have demonstrated grace, perseverance, and positivity, not just over the past year and a half, but for the past six years as members of National Charity League. This year’s theme, Attraversiamo, loosely translates to “let’s crossover,” in Italian, representing the bond these young women have created over the past six years and the transition they are about to make together. “Each Ticktocker has spent considerable time volunteering in our community—contributing to thousands of philanthropy hours over the past six years,” notes 2021 NCL President Sara Robinson. “They have developed leadership skills that will help them as they move forward in life, and they have expanded their world views through participation in many cultural outings. All of these experiences have contributed to them blossoming into the exceptional individuals they are today.” As part of a time-honored NCL tradition, graduating Ticktockers wore white dresses as a symbol of new beginnings and fresh opportunities. Each carried a nosegay as a symbol of natural beauty and in recognition of the beauty, heart, mind and soul the young ladies possess. They were escorted by family, representing a lifetime of support and caring.