Tell us about your pet
Turbo is a male, eight-year-old Sulcata Tortoise. We got Turbo when he was just a baby and could fit into the palm of a hand. Currently he is weighing in around about 65 lbs.
Is there a story behind Turbo’s name?
Turbo was named because even though he is a tortoise, he gets around pretty fast!
Tell us something special or unusual about Turbo?
Turbo and our labradoodle Bucky are good buddies. Bucky can bark and get right up in Turbo’s face and he is unfazed. Turbo also has a very sophisticated palate and enjoys snacking on kale and romaine lettuce. He also loves fruit—bananas and melon are two of his favorites!
What do you like best about your pet?
Turbo is super cool looking and very low maintenance.
Any funny stories you would like to share?
On occasion, Turbo has gotten out of our yard and since he is so large and heavy—our wonderful neighbors have had to return him to us on a skateboard and in a wagon. So please don’t be surprised if you see him cruising around pretty fast in Valmonte!
How spoiled is your pet?
Turbo is pretty spoiled! Sometimes, we have to make trip to the market not for the Gardner family of five, but to get fresh lettuce for Turbo!