Story contributed by Jonna Werts,
Owner of Walk & Wag South Bay

Meet the Young Family, residents of RPV and neighbors to Peninsula HS. The Youngs have a 7-month-old Bernese Mountain dog named Ruthie. Ruthie is a godsend to the family of five. In early 2020 they lost their ‘berner’ Riley, oflS years. The family really felt her absence and decided their family wasn’t complete without a dog. They went on a search and found Hickory Farms near Sacramento where Ruthie was born. Thinking it would be fun to surprise their three kids with a new puppy, Paul a firefighter told the kids he had been called to work. Instead, he masked up and hopped up to Sacramento on a plane from LAX. Just outside the airport in Sacramento, Paul was met by Hickory Farms and the newest Young, Ruthie. An hour later, a little fluffy Bernese was sitting on his lap, licking his mask and flying home to Palos Verdes to meet her new family. When Paul arrived home, his partner- in- crime wife Allison, helped him sneak up to the house. Paul pounded on the door and lelt Ruthie on the porch. Their oldest caught a glimpse of somebody running down the side of their house and thought someone was attempting to break in! Allison opened the door and Ruthie came pouncing in a far cry from the burglar they might have been imagining. It was love at first sight and Ruthie is now probably one of the most spoiled dogs on The Hill!
One big attribute of the Bernese Mountain Dog and a fun fact is their incredible strength. In the late 7800s,
the breed hauled carts filled with cheese, bread and milk to make large deliveries to different farms.
Ruthie already weighs over 70 pounds but is unaware of her size. They joke she is the world’s biggest lap dog because she will jump right up on your lap like she’s a 5 pound Maltipooi
Jonna’s PV Pet Tip
Do you have a few scratch marks on your wooden furniture? You can cover them up by rubbing a walnut over them. The natural oils in walnuts seep into wood, making them a simple way to help cover up small scratches in your furniture.
Thank you to Jonna Werts for her continued support of the magazine! If you would like your pet to be featured please email us at info@palosverdesmagazine.com