This month’s featured pet is named Sugar Caramel Eminem. Sugar is a 10 month old male Maltese adored by his Palos Verdes family members Todd, Natalie, Nicola and Dylan. Natalie shares more about Sugar:
Where did you get your pet?
Sugar comes to us from Phelan, California. Nicola wanted a fluffy companion for as long as she can remember. It was love at first sight when Nicola saw Sugar giving his classic “side eye” expression, which she is now training him to perform on command.
Is there a story behind the name? Nicola came up with the name “Sugar” instantly. “Caramel” and “Eminem” both keep with his candy-themed names, while “Eminem” is also a nod to the famous rap artist, giving our small but mighty pup an “edge”.
Is anything unique about your pet?
Sugar has remarkable agility and can jump onto surprisingly high surfaces. He also has an uncanny ability to sense when even the smallest of food crumbs have fallen and follows Dylan around with the hope of catching tiny particles of cookie or cracker.
What do you like best about your pet?
Nicola loves when she yells out “dinner time!” and Sugar jumps like a rabbit, charging in to get his meal. He is an excellent nap partner, is both sweet and mischievous, and is equally content to cuddle or run around outdoors and play.
Share a funny story.
Every day between 5 and 6pm, Sugar goes to the window and leads a chorus. He lets out a single bark, followed by another, and soon dogs from around the neighborhood join in a back- and-forth conversation of sorts. If only we knew what they were saying!
How spoiled is your pet?
He is spoiled with endless love and affection! In addition, every now and then Sugar is treated to a famous Puppuccino. A Puppuccino is a free item at a well-known coffee chain. It consists of whipped cream with no sugar added and a dash of cinnamon. Sugar is his happiest self when he’s sporting a beard of whipped cream.