Jessica Patay

Join Jessica & WABT in the Second Annual Virtual Race Fund raiser on October 2nd.
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Team member recruiting is now on through mid July, so please spread the word!
When one mother saw a need for a community of parents to children with disabilities, she set out to find a solution. In 2017, Jessica Patay started a nonprofit organization called “We Are Brave Together.” Jessica’s mission is to support mothers caring for children of any age with disabilities, special needs or other medical or mental health challenges.
Jessica’s own story began in 2003 when her second son, Ryan, was born and diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Prader-Willi syndrome. Within two days of receiving this diagnosis, she received a phone call from a “Mentor Mom” from the Prader-Willi California Foundation. Jessica knew she and Ryan were not alone, as Ryan was sandwiched between siblings Luke and Kate, both fierce and loving supporters. But knowing there were other mothers experiencing the same journey added an extra sense of relief and comfort that Jessica had not foreseen. If Jessica could mirror that feeling provided by the first Mentor Mom and show up on every mother’s doorstep with flowers, wine, chocolate and a banner that says, “You are not alone,” she would. The We Are Brave Together organization and movement was born out of this desire and her compassion for others.
We Are Brave Together, based in Southern California, is now 1260 women strong. Launched in 2017 with the intention to help combat the isolation and fatigue that mothers face by offering support groups, educational workshops, retreats and scholarships. This organization strongly believes that through empowering, educating and providing connection and community for moms, entire families and lives will be impacted for the better.
During the COVID pandemic, Jessica launched a new podcast called Brave Together. She continues to utilize any and all resources to reach mothers and help them with new challenges they are facing.

Follow on lnstagram: @wearebravetogether @bravetogetherpod
Podcast available on: iTunes and Spotify