Story by PV Resident and Owner of Walk & Wag South Bay, Jonna Werts

We asked Karen Zane to share some information about her adorable dog, Gunnar, and what he brings to her family of six. The following is Karen’s response: “Our family got Gunnar from a breeder in La Brea 3 years ago. Brett and the boys picked him out from the litter, and I got to choose his name. I named him Gunnar because it sounded southern, but Gunnar is actually Scandinavian. Although his real name is Gunnar, we also call him Lamb Chop, Pork Chop, Bear, Lion Cub, and Bebe. He is a male Bernese mountain dog and poodle mix, AKA a Berne doodle. He is the perfect size for us because he is big enough to handle a house with two sets of teenage twin boys, but small enough to cuddle with. He is the only dog we know with very distinct eyebrows, and his paws make him look like he is wearing Ugg boots. Gunnar’s favorite foods are red bell peppers, bacon and popcorn. In the morning, he greets us with a loud yawn that sounds like he is talking. He loves his daily morning walks around Valmonte. He also loves to sit in the window and watch the parade of people and dogs around our neighborhood. Gunnar is extremely playful with a huge personality. He often tosses objects around to entertain all his energy. We think Gunnar is incredibly smart, and have taught him to sit, lie down, spin, roll over, high five and downward dog. Gunnar brings great joy and happiness to our family. Our family would not be complete without him.

Pets are part of our everyday lives and part of our families. Each month we will introduce you to some of these furry friends in our community. Although pets come in all shapes and sizes, the unconditional love and support is the same so that is why we are dedicating a section to the pets in our community. We hope these stories make you smile. We encourage you to send in pictures of your pets. info@palosverdesmagazine.com