Booker & Dash
Story contributed by Jonna Werts,
Owner of Walk & Wag South Bay

Booker, a 9-year-old Papillion and Dash, a 2-year-old toy size American Eskimo, are the two furry babies of Kevin and Linsey Wachi, who live in the Blackhorse/Silver Spur area.
Booker came to Linsey and Kevin through a breeder in Texas. They got him as a companion for the dog they had at the time, who has since passed away. Booker was chosen because he was the gentlest dog of the bunch and had a smile they couldn’t resist. Papillion, French for “butterfly” refers to the wispy hairs on their large ears. They are known to be smart, athletic and gentle. Booker can chase a ball all day long and still come in for cuddles.
Dash was actually born in Victoria, Canada and was brought home to help heal Booker’s broken heart from losing his furry brother. He got his name from his first ride on a “Dash Bombardier” plane. American Eskimo dogs were the original circus dog, otherwise known as the German Spitz. They are happy, energetic and easily trained, so much so that they were the first dog breed to walk a tightrope.
When Kevin and Linsey lost their first dog, Booker was so devastated that he would cry and whimper every day for months. Once Dash was introduced to their home, Booker fell right back into having his pack and the two soon became attached at the hip. They are never far from one another, always snuggling and playing and going on long walks around the Peninsula.
Jonna's PV PET TIP!
Does your dog drool a lot? If so, you’ve probably got a bunch of drool marks around the house, on windows and your car. You can say goodbye to scrubbing off those drool marks by using a Magic Eraser.
Thank you to Jonna Werts fo her continued support of the magazine! If you would like your pet to be featured please email us at info@palosverdesmagazine.com