MMCC Celebrates 30th Anniversary and Surprise $1 Million Donation from Richard & Melanie Lundquist
Photography by Erik Jay

The Marine Mammal Care Center celebrated its 30th anniversary at the Palos Verdes Estates home of Richard and Melanie Lundquist on Sept. 18. The event raised more than $200,000 for the non-profit along with a $1 million donation by the Lundquists. The MMCC in San Pedro almost closed its doors to a lack of funding three years ago. In it’s 30th year, thanks to Amber Beccera, president and CEO of MMCC, along with many other people who have financially supported it through volunteerism and philanthropy, it is now thriving. Melanie Lundquist announced she and her husband were pledging $1 million to the MMCC in honor of Becerra and her team for their efforts of revitalizing the organization. Lundquist said the $1 million will be unrestricted and can be used however Becerra sees fit. “There aren’t very many people that have the level of commitment, the dedication, that tenacity and that perseverance,” Melanie Lundquist said. “She knew in her heart of hearts, this was not going to fail.” she then poignantly looked down at Becerra’s children as she said, “whatever you want to do you can do, just put your mind to it. There is nothing you cannot do.”

During her very insightful and thoughtful presentation, Melanie explained how this all came about by saying, “we have supported the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, the largest mammal rehabilitation hospital in the world, for 12 years but it wasn’t until Richard heard Becerra on an NPR program in 2019 talking about the MMCC’s struggles that they become involved in the San Pedro-based organization.” Melanie went on to further explain what a “travesty and tragedy” she felt it was that her generation hadn’t taken care of the planet and had left a “humongous mess” for future generations. More than $200,000 was also raised at the event. The Lundquists have been donors and fundraisers for decades, focusing mainly on education and health care, including Torrance Memorial Medical Center and its $480 million Melanie and Richard Lundquist Tower which opened in 2015.
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