The Rancho Palos Verdes city television station amped up productions due to the increased demand for local COVID-19 coverage. The 4-person RPVtv crew safely produced a series of public service announcements and programs with timely and helpful information from elected officials, city staff, first responders, health professionals, business owners, and residents. When the pandemic shutdown hit, the studio across from city hall was closed to the public and most of RPVtv’s programming was recorded virtually over the internet using ZOOM. Staff turned their living rooms into production sets to interview guests for RPVtv’s longest running shows, “RPV City Talk” & “Around The Peninsula.” The COVID-19 reporting featured interviews with RPV Mayor John Cruikshank, City Manager Ara Mihranian, PVP Chamber Pres/CEO Eileen Hupp, Lomita Sheriff’s Station Captain James Powers, PVPUSD School Board Member Linda Reid, PVLD Director Jennifer Addington, city founder and former Mayor Ann Shaw and many more community leaders. RPVtv aired stories on the city’s outreach to frontline workers, business owners, educators, students, senior citizens and focused on city staffs’ tireless efforts to reopen RPV. As the city began to re-open in May, RPVtv’s crew began filming shows back in the studio and stories out in the community while wearing masks and sanitizing equipment and microphones. RPVtv has televised posts showing the public’s appreciation for frontline workers at the hashtag #RPVtogether. RPVtv was founded by the city more than 20 years ago and is a local educational access channel that provides the citizens of Rancho Palos Verdes community programing on Cox Cable channel 33, FIOS channel 38 and on YouTube. RPVtv staff can be reached by email at rpvtv@rpvca.gov