Before writing for the PV Magazine, baseball was my life. For over a decade I dedicated all of my time to the sport, going to practice after school and playing games on the weekends. Once my junior year of high school came, I realized that my love for the sport was wavering. I had just come back from a summer program in Boston where I studied journalism and when I returned to Palos Verdes, I searched for a place to put my new interest to work. Thanks to her generosity and because she saw my passion for writing, Mrs. Borden decided to give me a chance to write for her.
When I first started out, a future in journalism did not seem like a long-term path that I wanted to take. It was more about staying busy and connected to the area, just seeing if it was something I might want to pursue. I was assigned article after article, making one submission a month with different assignments around the community where I interviewed different individuals and learned in depth about the topics I was reporting on. As I delved deeper into the writing that I was doing, I found that the sense of purpose that I had lost when I quit baseball, had come back and it became my main focus to improve as a journalist.
From making movie reviews to visiting local car shows, I gained new work experiences that I had not expected to get from being a “junior contributor.” As someone who spent a small time working in hospitality as a barista, I thought I had seen it all when it came to work experience at my age. But Palos Verdes Magazine feels like a new job every day, with the vast variety of topics to write about in the area. Every assignment intrigues me, and I am always excited to venture out into the community to report.
I have now been writing under the magazine for over a year now and am nearing the end of my high school career. Working here has not only helped me get into college with the experiences that it has given me, but it has also prepared me, workwise and for the busy life in general. I hope to encourage other young students and members of the community to branch out and try different things because like me, they may find an unexpected interest in journalism or another passion that they feel a calling towards. As I move forward, I plan to carry the knowledge that I have gained on to Boston University where my passion for writing first started.

PV Magazine has enjoyed working with Aidan and assigning him stories that have provided a teenage perspective to local events and places. We thank him for sharing his writing with our readers and wish him the best as he heads to Boston University this fall. Congratulations from all of us at PV Magazine!!