An Inspiration to Invention
A Real Life Willy Wonka Just Might Be Your Palos Verdes Neighbor or Your Child’s Mentor
Written by Melani Edelstein | Photographed by Brenda Cash

His name is Derek Gable and he is on a mission to inspire the future, based on his strong belief that today’s rapidly changing world will require the emphasis to be on creativity, entrepreneurship, people skills, confidence and critical thinking, sadly most of which are not taught in school. With this in mind, the internationally renowned entrepreneur, inventor and PV resident, Derek Gable, works tirelessly to influence and motivate the next generation. He helps them develop these skills and discover who they are and what they should be doing with their lives as he likes to say, “before they jump on an expensive bus to nowhere.”
Gable was born, raised and educated in England and had several fascinating and creative jobs working on jet engines, robots, projectors and yes, as Willy Wonka inventing machines to make chocolates
for Cadburys!
In 1968, Gable along with his lovely wife Pam, came to California to live the American Dream. For 16 years he ran a big part of the Think Tank at Mattel and was responsible for dozens of iconic toys including items for Mattel’s famous brands, Hot Wheels, Barbie and Masters of the Universe.
After leaving Mattel, Gable invented the Recording Real Estate Key safe and formed Multacc a company to market it. Multacc was very successful and for about 15 years controlled about eighty percent of the worldwide key-safe business.
In the early 1980’s Gable formed West Coast Innovations, an invention and product development company, responsible for dozens of products in the marketplace from toys to medical products.
Now Gable is hoping to inspire many others to appreciate the gift of living in America and to live their American Dreams. “Look around at your whole life,” he gestures enthusiastically. “Find out what you have a passion for and make it your work, get creative.”

Gable who is a very active teacher, mentor and motivational speaker insists that you will have a wonderful, successful and happy life by being grateful, positive and achieving what is meaningful to you.
He encourages everyone to up their FQ (Fun Quotient) and do something different and fun to make great memories. His motto is “Never do boring.” The charismatic inventor keeps life exciting, making memories and seizing the day. “Don’t wait. Have fun because when you are older all you have are your memories and memories come from fun” he smiles sincerely.
After 55 years married, Gable is still deeply in love with his wife Pam and the extraordinary PV life they’ve had fun building together. The Gables have lived in Palos Verdes for more than half a century and wouldn’t live anywhere else. “Palos Verdes is the best place in all of California,” he says.
They’re very close to their three grown children and six grandchildren and absolutely delighted that the whole family lives and works in the south bay. Their daughter Kim lives with her family, not too far from her parents in PV. Twins,Darren and Steve live with their families in Playa Del Rey and Manhattan Beach.
When he’s not hanging out with his family, Gable, who holds more than 60 U.S. patents, is focused on inventing, creating and helping the next generation achieve their dreams. He believes kids today have to approach the future differently than his generation.